Medusa Labs Test Tools Suite is leading application-based data testing and signal integrity testing tool enabling developers to identify, locate, and resolve elusive errors through stress testing before products are released to market.
The Xgig® Jammer manipulates live network traffic to simulate errors in real time, enabling users to verify the responsiveness and robustness of error recovery processes.
Expert software comes standard with all Xgig Analyzers to provide a unique and robust set of debugging and analysis capabilities specifically designed to accelerate and simplify device development and troubleshooting.
The PCIe Exerciser Host Test Stand provides connectivity and power to a PCIe adapter card endpoint for testing and qualification.
Provides 16-lane full-speed data capture, error injection and device emulation enabling detailed functional and performance analysis of PCIe 5.0 protocol.
Provides full-speed 32Gbps data capture, enabling detailed functional and performance analysis of PCIe protocol.