Baluns, Electric & Magnetic Field Sensors

Baluns and Transformers

PPM supplies high voltage, wide-band baluns manufactured by Prodyn. These high performance baluns are designed to convert differential outputs from free-field sensors to a single ended 50 Ω output for capture on a recording or measuring device.

Magnetic field (B-DOT) sensors

Inductive magnetic field probes, also known as B-dot probes, are used for measuring magnetic fields. PRODYN sensors are small to medium-sized high frequency sensors available in the following formats:
ground plane/surface current
radiation hardened

Prodyn ground plane electric field (D-DOT) sensors

PRODYN’s precision high frequency ground plane electric field (D-DOT) sensors are designed to measure time rate-of-change of electric displacement over a wide frequency spectrum. They can also be used to measure the time rate-of-change of surface current density.

Our company has more products to offer. In case you didn’t find a suitable product for your needs, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

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