TeraVM – Virtualization

A Silver Lining In Every Cloud

The founding principle of TeraVM is it’s a software only solution. TeraVM enables an elastic test bed which can be used to deliver software defined testing with reliable and repeatable results.

TeraVM – Virtualization


The core enablers for virtualization are occurring at a number of unique levels:

  • An increase in the volume of vendors offering their solution as a VNF or indeed as containers, which are agnostic to software/hardware platforms
  • Standardization of NFV and SDN solution frameworks including new APIs
  • Consolidation of management and orchestration software architectures
  • Enablement of highly scaled network functionality servicing Terabytes of data flows

Portable validation, run anywhere performance testing with TeraVM

Validation is a critical component in enabling successful consumer services over the widest range and combination of hardware, virtualized layers and cloud platforms. As service providers look to deliver new services as NFV service chains, which will scale on demand to meet peak network or busy hour needs, will require a rugged validation solution, one which is portable, scalable and delivers run anywhere testing capability.

Advantages of TeraVM’s elastic test bed:

  • Simplification of test delivery – enabled by web based configuration templates
  • Increased collaboration – share tests in a central test library, accessible to all users
  • Greater visibility and management – view all available test resources / reservation of assets
  • Flexible licensing services – enable global labs and/or scale on demand or in-time
  • Enhanced management reporting offering visibility of total usage and test coverage
  • Portable software, enabling repeatable test coverage from the lab to the cloud

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